12 January 2021

Common Sense Solutions to Public Policy Problems


In the United States, politicians and pundits are now more focused on demonizing their fellow citizens than on prosecuting the nation’s business for the benefit of all Americans. Author David Gottstein’s A More Perfect Union - Unifying Ideas for a Divided America offers common sense ideas and fresh, innovative concepts that just might work.

Gottstein’s solutions could bring America back to the country we idealize - working families able to support themselves with food, shelter, transportation and basic health care without government assistance, a healthy environment, and affordable access to clean, sustainable energy. 

Gottstein boils down the complex public policy issues of social security and taxation to a meat and potatoes proposition that feeds everyone fairly. Crime and punishment is served up to meet the needs of atonement instead of vengeance, so those reintegrating into society can make meaningful contributions.

America’s place in the world is also analyzed, with generous, easy-to-understand explanations of the complex relationships between nation states, how we came to be where we are at, and guidance on how to proceed for a secure, peaceful, and more prosperous world.

A compact volume of clear, concise, well-formulated concepts, A More Perfect Union - Unifying Ideas for a Divided America is an important springboard for determining unique, disruptive solutions to issues that have festered for generations.

A message of hope for anyone experiencing public policy fatigue, feeling overwhelmed by huge political problems that need to be resolved soon, and the deep muddy ruts that have taken over the Washington DC beltway.

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